viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

Mail (Briseida Barrón González)

From: “Concetta Francanero “
Date: Sat 21 May 07:50:28-0700 (PDT)
Subject: Coming to England

Hi Rob,
Just to let you know that I’m thinking of coming to England
this summer. You Know I have to use English a lot at work
now, and I think I need some extra lessons. I especially
want my pronunciation to be better - you’re always telling
me it’s bad! Anyway, I saw an ad in magazine for a school
in York. Isn’t that quite near you? Can you send me some
more information about language schools in your area? It
would be great to see you while I’m there, and I’d also love
to meet some of your friends.
Can’t wait to hear from you. See you soon I hope.
Hi Concetta
I received your mail and if I can help,
Here there are many schools that can help you in your pronunciation,
can also work if you want it,
in your free time you can meet my friends
I hope to see you soon
Rob. Briseida Barrón González
Ingles IV
Lic. Ciencias de la Comunicación

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